
Technical Overview

As mentioned, the diversity of today’s data needs and the density of the technical landscape necessitate systematic thinking when it comes to solving such issues, which explains the need for a programmable privacy & access control middleware framework encrypted with zero-knowledge proofs (zkp) algorithms.

Under this framework exists a unique product and solution matrix, and the assets, products, and services listed within comprise a solid structure upon which we can build a full suite of cryptographic privacy and access control infrastructure.

Competitive Advantages

Access control and account management are of the utmost importance for the crypto community and are always high on the agenda when it comes to crypto ecosystem building.

The projects, represented by Ruby Protocol, Aztec, Gnosis Safe, and Lit Protocol, work on access control utilizing threshold cryptography and many other privacy techniques to address the ever-growing data privacy demands.

Access Control with Privacy

On-chain Private Payment

The solution can shield sensitive transaction information from prying eyes. It will customize the keys to reveal the transaction details you want to see, such as addresses, input, output, or identity.

NFT-gated or DID-gated Access

The trend shows that future access to various digital or physical experiences is likely to be gated by NFT or DID. Functional encryption is a natural mechanism to enforce any access-control policy defined on either NFT or DID. Combined with smart-contract-based access control, it has the power to redefine fine-grained access as a utility for both NFT fundamentally and DID.

Off-chain Data Management

Using Ruby's solutions, users can easily store and encrypt any off-chain data, such as a word document or your seed phrase. Typically, users must store the content and metadata on a centralized server, but Ruby will only store it and enforce access control for whoever can decrypt it.

ZK Proof of KYC and Authentication

It focuses on performing KYC without leaking private identity information. The functional encryption will guarantee that only controlled KYC information is revealed to the entity users are trying to authenticate to. It will ensure user data and identity confidentiality while performing the KYC steps.

Asset Management and Custody

The combination of Ruby Auth and Ruby Wallet allows users to easily manage their assets while also enjoying guaranteed privacy and security. Cryptographic signatures must be used to authorize access to assets and each action taken.

Privacy-preserving Cloud Computing

Protecting users’ data privacy when uploading their encrypted private data to the cloud. The Web 2.0 cloud computing business model via selling users’ privacy will be revolutionized through privacy-preserving machine learning and labeling based on functional encryption.

Last updated